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"The Way Out Is In"
Walk in Beauty with A Joyful Heart

Year-long course 2025


Live Online on Zoom with 

Mirjam Luthe and Galia Tyano Ronen​​​


Our very best year-long course starts: February 18th, 2025
> Free Webinar: February 4th, 8-9 pm CET


Link for free registration: â€‹

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The year long course includes 27 hours.

Monthly sessions:
8 live online sessions (2.5 hrs)​>

2 live online retreats (3.5 hrs)


optional: 1 in-person retreat in Italy (5 nights / 6 days)

The course will be monthly: 
Tuesdays from 6:30 - 9:00 pm CET / 9:30 am - 12:00 pm PST

Online Retreats:
4:00 - 7:30 pm CET / 7:00 - 10:30 am PST


February 18th, March 18th, April 15th,
May 4th (Retreat 1), June 16th, July 15th,
August 19th, September 1-6 (In-Person Retreat), 
October 21st, November 18th,
December 14th (Retreat 2) ​


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Cost by Gliding Scale
(excludes In-Person Retreat in Italy from September 1-6)


Thank you for choosing according to your possibilities.
600€ - 700€  - 800€ 


> monthly cost is 60€ - 70€ - 80€


Your generosity will allow for 2 partial sponsorships at a cost of less than the minimum fee. 

For scholarship application to specify your situation:


We will have a personal online meeting with
each participant before the course.



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COST RETREAT IN ITALY  September 1-9, 2025 


950 € Retreat Fee for Year-long Course participants
(1.200€ for all others)

(excludes lodging and lunches)


Limited availability:
Course participants will have priority.
Maximum of 15 places.




What's Included

27 hours of live online sessions with two teachers

8 live online sessions
2.5 hours

2 live online retreats
3.5 hours


10 monthly audios for meditation practice

10 monthly guidances for nature walk practice 

10 email summaries with links and material


Guidance for dyadic practices between modules (optional)


Access to online learning community
for connecting and deepening


plus priority access at a special rate for our 6-day in person retreat in the Italian Alps
(optional – not included)

Course Syllabus

Nurturing the Heart:

Cultivating Compassion.
A Path to Inner Growth and Connection.

Module 1

Healing Through Presence:

Embracing Growth with Compassion and Gratitude Beyond

Module 2

Attuning with Compassion:

Connecting to Self, Others, and Nature. (15.4.25)

Module 3

Grace in Resilience:

A Retreat for Fierce Compassion and Presence.

Module 4


Balancing Strength and Tenderness.


Module 5

Transforming Shame:

Compassion as the Bridge to Healing. (15.7.25)

Module 6

Embracing Shame:

Rediscovering the Wish to Be Loved.


Module 7

“Renewal - The Way Out Is In”

at Monviso Institute

in Italy


– Optional and not included-


The Art of Awe:

Cultivating Joy, Gratitude and Compassion. (21.10.25) 

Module 8

Beginner’s Mind:

Finding Joy and Awe in the Everyday.


Module 9

Coming home -
“The Way Out Is In”:

A Warm-Hearted Closing Retreat for Harvesting and Cultivating Wholesome Seeds (14.12.25)

Module 10

Two Ways of Purchase:

Limited time pricing

Pay in Full

  • 8 live online sessions - 2.5 hours

  • 2 live online retreats - 3.5 hours

  • access to online learning community

  • monthly summary with links

  • monthly meditation audio

  • monthly nature walk guidance 

  • 1 live retreat at a special reduced rate (optional and not included)

    Please choose one option according to your possibilities as one-time course payment:
    € 600 € 700 € 800

    Alternative: Payment plan per month (see below)


Payment Plan

  • 8 live online sessions à 2.5 hours

  • 2 live online retreats à 3.5 hours

  • Unlimited access to online learning community

  • monthly summary with links

  • monthly meditation audio

  • monthly nature walk guidance 

  • 1 live retreat at a special reduced rate (optional and not included)

    Please choose one option according to your possibilities:

    • € 60/month € 70/month € 80/month

    • Payment plan: 10 x € 60 

    • Payment plan: 10 x € 70 

    • Payment plan: 10 x € 80

Learning Takeaways

What Will You Learn?


Through our online live program of guided learning, experiential practices and reflective exercises you will deepen these skills:


Grounding in Embodied Presence

  • Reconnect with your body and the Earth to regulate your nervous system and access natural states of safety, resourcefulness, and connection.

  • Practice embodied meditation, breath work, and grounding techniques for lasting well-being.


Tuning into Compassion for Ourselves and the World

  • Shift from conceptualizing problems to listening to your body’s innate intelligence.

  • Access deeper "knowing" and design solutions that integrate rational and embodied wisdom.

  • Practice compassion for ourselves and the world.


Holding Space and Co-Regulation

  • Improve your relationship with yourself and others to release emotional and psychological energy and support generative cooperation.

  • Build a culture of presence in your work and relationships.


Deepening Belonging Togetherness: The Felt Sense of Inter-being

  • Move from “knowing we are nature” to feeling and embodying being nature.

  • Experience more interconnectedness and flow with the whole of Life.


  • Thriving in Creative Emergence

  • Find a state of alignment, openness, and possibility.

  • Develop your own emergent ways of observing and interacting, rooted in embodied compassion and gratefulness.


Immerse yourself in some of the key practices and exercises of the different Mindful Self-Compassion programs with two Certified MSC teachers from Germany and Israel. Explore practices of gratefulness, nature meditation, interpersonal mindfulness in dyads and council practice, and the relation to the Inner Development Goals (IDG) communication framework.​


Year-Long Course 2025

Beneficiary groups:

Business professionals, coaches, mental health and medical professionals, education-related professionals as well as the general population.



Online (Zoom) with opportunities to learn in small and large group discussions and nature practices during the month.


No one will be turned away for lack of funds.






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+49 176 43575396


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